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08 March 2024 Blog

Women Who Inspire: Formpipe Celebrates International Women's Day

Did you know ...?

  • Women hold only 22 percent of tech roles in European companies.
  • The share of women in tech roles in Europe is projected to decline to 21 percent by 2027.
  • Secondary school girls receive less support to pursue STEM careers compared to boys.
  • With only 19% of ICT undergraduate students being female, lack of affiliation often plays a role in their dropout rates.


Although progress has been made, gender equality in the tech/IT sector is not yet a reality as women are still significantly underrepresented. This imbalance in gender representation creates inequality, hinders innovation and inhibits both growth and inclusion in the industry.

At Formpipe, we want to promote greater gender equality in the industry and therefore encourage women interested in the IT industry to contact us. Whether you have questions or are looking for advice on possible career paths within Formpipe Software, we're here to help. There are a wide range of career opportunities both within Formpipe and the industry in general, including software development, project management, consulting, marketing and support. If you want to find out more about the opportunities available at Formpipe, don't hesitate to contact us - we're here to guide you.

But let's also take a moment to recognize and celebrate the outstanding women nominated by our colleagues from all Formpipe offices this International Women's Day. We honor both the unsung heroes and the well-known figures, acknowledging their contributions within and beyond the tech/IT sector. After all, the progress of the tech industry is intertwined with broader societal advancements.

Today, we celebrate women who have made and continue to make a difference.

Women who inspire: Nominations from Formpipe colleagues

Victor Videgren's story

Victor, Marketing, Stockholm: Ester Blenda Nordström

"I would like to nominate Ester Blenda Nordström, a pioneering Swedish journalist and adventurer from the early 20th century.

What captivates me about her is her fearless exploration of the unknown and her knack for unraveling the stories of the less-heard. In an era when women were expected to adhere to conventional roles, she ventured into remote and challenging landscapes, documenting the lives of communities often overlooked.

Ester's travels lead her all over the world, through Lapland, India, the African and European continents and she often spent extended times at each place, connecting with otherwise unknown or overlooked communities and cultures."

Jon, Product Owner, Portal / Platina LS, Nottingham: Ada Lovelace

"I'm going to nominate Ada Lovelace, who as well as being the daughter of Lord Byron, was a mathematician, a writer and the worlds first computer programmer. She also has a tram named after her in Nottingham."

Sofie, Marketing Project Manager, Copenhagen: Women who paved the way

"I am notoriously known for having a hard time limiting myself when I'm excited about something. So Frida K. and I are kicking off the relay with a whole bunch of Nordic, strong women. Women who are portrayed in the Danish book: 'Women who were too much / Damer der var for meget'.

It includes: Victoria Benedictsson, Elin Wägner, Edith Rode, Karen Michaëlis, Agnes Henningsen, Ragnhild Jølsen ... and many many more. 

A group of stubborn, strong, and creative Scandinavian women who made up for the rigid norms of the time and paved the way for our society today. Happy International Women's Day!"

Jan, Product Manager, Stockholm: Aina Wifalk

"A truly unsung hero is Aina Wifalk, the inventor of the walking frame with wheels (rullator). On a side note she also helped my mother recover from a terrible car accident back in the sixties.

Wifalk had polio when she was young and became a champion for people with disabilities, starting up and organizing a lot of things. In addition to the walking frame she also invented the manoped, a training equipment for people recovering from injuries or illness.

My mother tells me that she had great authority and empathy. At the hospital, when Wifalk spoke, regardless of who you where, you listened. She changed many lives to the better."

Jamie Oliver's story

Jamie, Marketing, Cambridge: Billie Jean King

"Billie Jean King isn't just a tennis champion, she's a pioneer for women's rights. Her legendary 1973 "Battle of the Sexes" victory against Bobby Riggs wasn't just a win on the court. It was a giant leap for equality, watched by a staggering 90 million people worldwide.

Her relentless fight against gender disparity in tennis continues to inspire young players and fans across the world. It's not just her victory that resonates with me, but the lasting impact she's had in the women's rights movement."

Marc, Customer Success and Partner Sales Manager, Cambridge: Joan Clarke

"This lady helped create and inspire (with Alan Turing) the first computer and break an “unbreakable” encryption code (watch The Imitation Game)… If it was not for her… plus the team at Bletchley Park (many of whom were ladies)… we (FP) would not be in business. On the back of their / her efforts in Hut 8, they helped create the IT Industry (first computer) as we know it… (I am sure Steve Jobs / Bill Gates etc would agree)."

Mats, VP Product, Stockholm: Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo

"Two women that have had a huge impact on my daily life is Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo - the founders of Rebel Girls (including Timbuktu Labs).

Of everything they do, publishing the "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" have changed so many conversations for the better between parents and their kids, that I know for a fact.

I recommend anyone that can read to get all volumes, read them to your dog/cat, your kid, your favorite co-worker - or if you find 2 min. alone time - read it for yourself.”

Gry, Marketing Manager, Copenhagen: 107 Pippi Girls

"Mastering limitations is tough... Especially with so many remarkable and inspiring women out there!

That's why I'd like to recommend this incredible book: "107 Danish Pippi Girls!" Within its pages, you'll meet 107 Danish women from past and present – pioneers, leaders, scientists, queens, and rebels. It's a book filled with stories of brave women who dared to pursue their goals.

Some seized control and stepped into the limelight. Others took innovative actions. A select few are trailblazers who reshaped the world. What binds them together is their inner resolve, saying to themselves, "this is what I want," and pursuing it in their own unique way. Just like Pippi. Embracing both backward and forward strides."

Erik, Consultant, Örebro: Therese Baly

"I would like to nominate Therese Baly from our office. She has always contributed to a better, funnier and caring work environment. And she dosen't hesitate to help if you ask her. Ofc she hasn't stopped any wars or raised 500 children but she is making a diffrence in our workplace and that is why I nominate her." 

Michael, Director, Service & Delivery, Örebro: The women in our software development team

"I would like to point out not one but many fantastic women.

As I have a special relation to Ukraine, I know the 8th of march is a really important day to the Ukrainians. I believe many consider it more important than Christmas, and women of all ages  are celebrated all over the country.

With that in mind and the horrible war going on, I would like to celebrate all the fantastic intelligent and brave women I our software development team who is focusing on helping us build software while they are in the middle of a war.

Слава Україні"

Anette, Product Supporter Acadre, Copenhagen: Rosa aka. Momse

"I would like to nominate my husband's mother – Rosa or Momse, as she was called by the entire family. She was an incredibly rare and extraordinary woman whom, unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet. She passed away 14 years ago. Yet, when you hear the entire family (all 7 children and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren) speak with shining eyes about Momse, it's a tale of love, respect, pride, hard work, and tenderness.

She managed to give birth to 7 children, lived in a small apartment, and succeeded in building a huge company with, at one point, 80 employees. Before that, they ran a small guesthouse where sacks of potatoes had to be peeled every day and night – all the children were put to work.

Her husband, the father of the children, took his own life when the children were young, and the next husband played blind, drank, and gambled away the money. Despite these challenges, she managed to keep track of the family and the business while driving taxi in the evenings. A company where the entire profit from her business was distributed to the disabled.

The children had to work in the company; no one in her family was allowed to live on social welfare. She was tough but fair and had a caring attitude towards providing job opportunities for troubled youths in her company, where they would pack letters and parcels. She could educate them while instilling new perspectives in them.

Everyone received birthday wishes, and it was known that she would handle and tackle problems for anyone and everyone. When everyone I meet talks about her, I become so fascinated. I have never heard a man talk so much about his mother, but I understand why – Wow a woman."

Kerstin, HR Manager, Copenhagen: Hillary Clinton

"I’ve been thinking long and hard about which woman is an inspiration to me. I get inspired by a lot of - mainly women - on life hacks, aesthetics, attitude, ways of dealing with whatever life throws in our faces – but Inspiration, with a capital I – that is a difficult one. Then I came to think about Hillary Clinton.

I saw a documentary with her some years ago that almost glued me to the screen, because before I only thought of her as Bill Clintons side kick with big glasses, not succeeding in finding a solution on ‘the health care’ issue (which is a huge and complex problem in the US) and the betrayed wife, who somehow managed to live through one of the world most public marriage crisis.

Well, that is also true about Hillary. But she was also one of the first students to give a speech at Wellesley College in 1969. And a woman! One of the first women to study law at Yale. She was named one of the 100 influential lawyers in the US. She was First Lady, Secretary of State, Senator, the first woman to win a presidential nomination and the first woman to run for office. Twice. She is the first female chancellor of the Queens University Belfast, she is a professor of practice at Colombia.

That is remarkable. But what somehow got to me even more, was all the small things related to the fact that she is - a woman. The focus during the years on her hairstyle, her clothing, her shoes, her weight. We don’t have that focus on men, but women often must endure that - and a lot of comments. The clip of a debate during her second presidential campaign, where Donald Trump walks scowling around behind her back while she talks, obviously trying to make her feel uncomfortable. She didn’t. She continued the debate. 

The documentary – which I believe, you can watch at hulu nowadays – also shows her as a warm and fun person."

Sara, Marketing, Stockholm: My mom & Emma Watson

"I would like to nominate my mom, Anna, for being a superwoman, successfully balancing a demanding job as a midwife, while also being as an inspirational role model. She shows that women truly can do it all.

If I can choose two, I would love to include Emma Watson as well. Not only is she an actress, but also a young, and very inspiring activist who stands up for gender equality. "

Henrik, Product Manager, Linköping: Christina Hörnell

"Christina Hörnell, nowadays CEO and Artistic Director of the Malmö Opera. She was conductor of the Linköping University Male Voice Choir for 9 years, where I'm a singer. Apart from her musical skills, she was the best leader I have ever met, and a role-model I often think about when raising my kids.

She always sought to make others grow as singers, as persons and as leaders, always striving for quality. With her long experince, she gently guided us in the right direction when we needed guidance, but she never dragged us forward, rather she fueled our own curiosity and on my way home after internal debates, I realized that by just her choice of words and body language she managed to steer the decisions in the direction that would work best and still made everybody feel that that their position was valid and that we reached a concensus.

In my role as deputy conductor of the choir, she challenged me and let me conduct pieces on stage on big concerts which I am very happy for. She was the only woman in a group of 50 male singers, and I am certain that both she and us singers were completely comfortable in that, with a complete trust in each other."

Robin, Head of Partner Enablement, Cambridge: Katherine Johnson

"I was inspired by the story of the women who were vital to the success of NASA's Apollo program in the 1960's, when I watched the movie 'Hidden Figures'.

The movie is based on the true story (and non-fiction book by Margot Lee Shetterly) of four black women in the US who had to deal with social barriers of the time, while they worked on the mathematics required for space flight.

I am impressed not only by how these women contributed despite the prejudice of the time, but also because their contribution to the space program was so fundamental to its success.

One of the standout women was Katherine Johnson, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal and was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame."

A call to break barriers and shape the future

The narratives of remarkable women nominated by our colleagues exemplify the resilience, determination, and contributions of women in diverse fields, from technology and science to leadership and activism.

These stories serve as powerful reminders of the importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women, both past, present - and future.

Let's keep pushing boundaries and shaping a future where more women thrive in the IT industry. We're here to provide guidance if you're interested in or have questions about opportunities at Formpipe.


Reach out to us or explore career opportunities at Formpipe today.

* McKinsey.com ‘Women in tech: The best bet to solve Europe's talent shortage’. 

Happy International Women's Day!